Bassist, composer, music educator, researcher


DUBY, M, 2008: The secret life of instruments: Musical Practice and Actor-Network-Theory, W. SIMS, ed, in: Proceedings of the 28th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education, 20-25 July 2008, International Society for Music Education (ISME), 89-92.

DUBY, M, 2012: Instrument Teaching in South African Higher Education Institutions: At the Center or on the Periphery? W. SIMS, ed, in: Proceedings of the 30th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education, July 2012, International Society for Music Education (ISME), 107-113.

DUBY, M, 2013: Singing the body electric: Real-time and virtual performance, C. NARDI and E. MONTANA, eds, in: Proceedings of the 16th International IASPM Conference: Situating Popular Musics, 27 June - 1 July 2011, 103-110.

DUBY, M, 2013: Understanding the Songbird: Some Aspects of Pattern in Musical Composition and Perception, S. BANDOPHADYAYE, ed, in
Proceedings of the International Seminar on ‘Creating and Teaching Music Patterns’, 16-18 December 2013, Kolkata, India, 66-75 (ISBN 978-81-928763-0-6).

DUBY, M, 2014: Aspects of gesture and agency within the social worlds of Western European art music and improvised jazz, D. FORREST, ed, in
Proceedings of the 31st World Conference of the International Society for Music Education, 20-26 July 2014, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 112-118 (ISBN 978-0-9873511-8-0).

RAMBAU, L A and DUBY, M, 2014: Music in the making: Music and community education in Ribungwani village, South Africa, D. FORREST, ed, in
Proceedings of the 31st World Conference of the International Society for Music Education, 20-26 July 2014, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 246-251 (ISBN 978-0-9873511-8-0).


DUBY, M, 2010: Staging Roberto Bonati's The Blanket of the Dark: A twenty-first century vision of ‘the Scottish play’.
Shakespeare in Southern Africa, 22, 29-38.

DUBY, M, 2013: The Consul at sunset: Representing Lowry's Mexico in song.
Scrutiny2: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa, 18(2), 18-35.

DUBY, M, 2013: ‘Reminiscing in Tempo’: The Rainbow and resistance in 1980s South Africa.
South African Music Studies, 33, 81-100.

DUBY, M, 2013: ‘Knowledge in the hands’: Towards a phenomenological framework for assessing live ensemble performance.
Musicus, 41:1, 27-32.

DUBY, M, 2014: ‘Alweer die Alibama?’ Reclaiming indigenous knowledge through a Cape Jazz lens.
Muziki, 11(1), 99-117.

DUBY, M, 2014: In search of the improvising body: Towards an epistemology of embodied improvisation.
Sonic Ideas/Ideas Sónicas, 6(12), 33-41. (Mexico: ISSN 2317-9694).

DUBY, M, 2015: Tales of the unnoticed: 20102 and no man’s land.
Scrutiny2: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa, 20:1, 63-75.

DUBY, M, in press. ‘Sounds of a cowhide drum’: Some challenges facing a new African musicology.
Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa.

DUBY, M, in press. Aristotle’s intellectual virtues and ensemble performance, draft submitted to
Journal of Musical Arts Education (submitted 24 April 2015, ISSN 2201-6333)

IZU, B O and DUBY, M, in press. Ewini Music in Ugie festival (Benin kingdom, Southern Nigeria) and its significance for cultural identity, draft submitted to Journal of Musical Arts Education (submitted 24 April 2015, ISSN 2201-6333)


DUBY, M, final draft submitted. CASCUDO & PALACIOS, eds.
Música, metáfora y cuerpo: Perspectivas desde la filosofía y la neurociencia. E-book, provisional title: Música y cuerpo: una introducción (University of La Rioja Press)

DUBY, M, final draft submitted. JOHNSON, ed.
‘Fanfare for the warriors’: Jazz, education, and control in apartheid South Africa and after. Transnational Studies in Jazz series (Routledge), expected publication date 15 October 2015

DUBY, M, first draft submitted (13 July 2015). DONIN, ed. Walter Thompson’s Soundpainting as gesture-based “live composition.” GEMME (IRCAM, Paris, France)

DUBY, M, first draft submitted (23 August 2015). ‘A unique way of being’: Music and Merleau-Ponty’s
Phenomenology of Perception. The Thing Itself: Performance Phenomenology (Palgrave)

DUBY, M and BARKER, P A, invited chapter proposal in progress. Deterritorialising the research space: practice-led research at postgraduate level (SUNMedia 2016).


DUBY, M. Reminiscing in tempo: the Rainbow and resistance in 1980s South Africa, accepted by Unisa Press (due December 2016) contains some examples of my writings on music.

My PhD thesis on Walter Thompson's Soundpainting is available at

I uploaded a movie of a talk I gave at Cambridge in July 2011 on “Teaching and assessing jazz ensemble: A South African perspective”. Thanks to my colleague Peter van Bergen. Please try the following link:

My inaugural address (Unisa, 22 February 2012) is available from: